Full Name: *(required)
Today's Date:
Best Phone Contact: *(required)
E-mail: *(required)
Time Frame to Purchase: Please Select- ASAP- 30 Days- 2 to 3 Months- 6 Months- 1 Year- Other (type in comments)
Where Are You Located?
Your Airport ID:
How Far Will You Travel To See An Aircraft?
What Type of Flying Do You Want To do?
Make and Model(s) of Aircraft You Are Looking For:
Model Year Range:
Maximum Engine and Airframe Time:
Need Float Capable? Please Select- Yes Float Capable- No
Need Auto Gas? Please Select- Yes Auto Gas- No
Purchase An Import? Please Select- Yes Import- No
Acceptable Damage History? Please Select- NO Damage- Yes MINOR Damage- Yes MAJOR Damage
Tri Gear or Conventional Gear Preferred? Please Select- Tri Gear- Conventional Gear- No Preference
Outside Condition:
Inside Condition:
Preferred Options:
Preferred Avionics:
How Much Money Are You Willing To Spend (Range)?
What is your highest FAA rating?
What is your experience level?
Additional Notes: